Parish History
Three Different Communities – Floral Park, Elmont and Brooklyn
New York had its history of providing home for early migrants from India from early 1950s and 60s. The inner thirst to have their own traditional way of liturgy and heri...

Our Mission
St. Mary’s Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Long Island, New York, established for a faith-filled descendants of St. Thomas the Apostle and the members of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Major Archiepiscopal Church, nourished by the rich traits of one of the ancient cultures in the world - Indian, thrive to impart our faith and culture to the whole world and especially to Syro Malabar descendants...

Pastor's Message
Dear Brethren,
It is once again time for us to listen to what the angels told the shepherds, “A savior has been born unto you today.” There could be nothing more inspiring than this: a savior is born to us! Christmas is all about and around this Savior. By being close to Him, everything and everyone becomes meaningful and beautiful. Observe the Nativity scene: by holding the Infant...
Mass Schedule
- 7:30 AM - Adoration
- 8:30 AM - Holy Mass (Malayalam)
- 11:30 AM - Holy Mass (English)
- 5:00 PM - Holy Mass (Malayalam) at Holy Spirit Church, NHP
- 6:00 PM - Adoration
- 7:00 PM - Holy Mass (Malayalam)
- 5:00 PM - Adoration (Holy Spirit Church, NHP)
- 6:00 PM - Holy Mass (Holy Spirit Church, NHP)
- No Service
- 6:00 PM - Adoration
- 7:00 PM - Holy Mass (Malayalam), followed by Novena to St. Alphonsa
- 9:00 AM - Holy Mass (Malayalam), followed by Adoration until 12:00 PM
- 6:00 PM - Adoration
- 7:00 PM - Holy Mass
- 8:00 AM - Adoration
- 9:00 AM - Holy Mass (Malayalam), followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Upcoming Events
No upcoming events
As a new service, we will be posting a downloadable copy of the Church Bulletin on our website on a weekly basis. The bulletins are in pdf format and to view and print them you need to have Acrobat Reader which is a free pdf reader.
Liturgical Events
Daily Readings
Saint of the day
Feast date: Mar 22
March 22 is the liturgical memorial of Saint Lea of Rome, a fourth-century widow who left her wealth behind, entered consecrated life, and attained great holiness through asceticism and prayer.Thou